Appeal of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the parliaments of the countries of the world in connection with the military-biological activities of the United States in foreign states


The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is deeply concerned about the expansion of the military-biological activities of the United States of America in foreign states and confirms the position set out in the appeal dated 2 November 2022 ”To the parliaments of the countries of the world on the need to strengthen the regime of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.“

A report on the activities of the US Department of Defense's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) in Ukraine published at the request of the American non-partisan organisation Judicial Watch has become public.

The information contained in this document supplements and clarifies the information received by the Parliamentary Commission established by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in March 2022 to investigate the circumstances related to the setting up of biological laboratories by American specialists in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

Analysis of the Agency's report confirms the preliminary conclusions of the Commission's investigation that the programme, declared by the United States as ”medical-biological“, is implemented and funded by the Pentagon, and is also of a secret and military-applied nature.

The US Department of Defense collects especially dangerous pathogenic microorganisms for further research in its specialised research centres, selects genetic material, and studies the features of the immune system of the local population in order to determine the reaction of the human body to the effects of various pathogens that may be potential agents of biological weapons.

The Agency is primarily interested in those that have natural foci in the territories of countries in which the US has a keen interest. Potential use of pathogenic microorganisms can be used in disguise as natural outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Of particular concern in assessing the Agency's activities is its updated strategy for the period up to 2027 which openly recognises the Agency's dual role. This stipulates the rendering of not only protection, but also combat support for military units. Moreover, to ensure the military superiority of the US armed forces over a potential enemy is declared as the Agency's priority task.

In connection with the ”mission“ declared by the Agency, the true and carefully concealed goals and objectives of the Pentagon to gather and process information on particularly dangerous pathogens within the framework of the Pathogen Access Control System (PACS) developed by order of the Agency, which is managed in closed mode exclusively by the US Department of Defense, should be of great concern to all countries of the world.

As of the present moment, the most accurate estimates show that Washington manages and oversees the operations of about 400 dual-use biological laboratories in the territories of foreign states.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation calls upon the parliaments of the countries of the world where US-controlled biological laboratories are located and operate to carry out legal and political assessments of all the agreements that their national health services enter into with the US Department of Defense. These agreements are deliberately discriminatory in nature and are aimed at concealing the potential dangers of ongoing research from citizens. The strictly-enforced regimes of restricting or even completely prohibiting access to biological laboratories and to the work carried out in them, even for national security services, is ample evidence of this.

Moreover, for US military specialists, the agreements provide for exemption from liability for any negative consequences from their activities in these biological laboratories.

Disregarding the national security interests of other countries, Washington uses diplomatic channels to cover up the true nature of the activities carried out in the laboratories that it manages and oversees. Selected pathogens, the results of their initial study, and the obtained genetic biomaterials of the local population are sent to the United States by diplomatic bag and free of inspection of the transported cargo.

The above facts confirm the existence of hidden threats not only to the states in whose territories the biological laboratories managed and overseen by the United States are located, but also to all humanity. We call upon parliamentarians from all countries of the world to analyse these facts in order to ensure biosecurity and sovereignty, prevent negative consequences for national economies, and preserve the lives and health of their citizens.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation declares that the parliaments of the countries of the world can and should demand that the US Congress make public all information concerning all applied military projects implemented by the US Department of Defense under the guise of ”medical-biological activities“ that violate the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation appeals to the parliaments of all countries of the world to request information from their national governments on the existence and nature of the Agency's activities that inflict damage to their national sovereignty. This will allow revealing the true nature of the medical-biological projects implemented by the United States and avert any military-biological threats hidden in them and catastrophic consequences for human life and health.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation confirms the Russian Federation’s full commitment to the principles of equal and indivisible security, prevention of the development of biological weapons, as well as its readiness for dialogue and cooperation with parliamentarians of other countries in order to protect the world and humanity from biological threats.