”Pavel Durov is the founder
and owner of a number of major digital products, including the Telegram
messenger, which is used by more than a billion people in different countries.
This is an international platform with a serious level of information security and it is really popular,” posted the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
on his Telegram channel.
He recalled that Durov held citizenship in 4 countries, including citizenship of France, and Paris notes this fact as legitimate basis for his detention.
“In fact, Washington is behind Durov's arrest. Telegram is one of the few and at the same time the largest Internet platforms that the United States cannot influence yet. At the same time, it is used in many countries that are part of the US interest. As the US presidential elections approach, it is important for Biden to take control of Telegram,” emphasized Vyacheslav Volodin.
According to the Chairman of the State Duma, for Washington, surveillance of social networks, total censorship and control, including through blackmail under the guise of countering various threats, are traditional tools of political control and external influence.
“Most global networks were founded in the USA. The White House controls them. But the US cannot yet force Telegram to conduct pre-moderation and provide data to the Department of State and the CIA. Therefore, they use France to charge Durov with more than ten crimes, and the list of articles is quite huge,” added Vyacheslav Volodin.
At the same time, Durov himself never had any illusions about the United States, calling this country a police state, as recalled the Chairman of the State Duma. “He said that the success of Silicon Valley is already the thing of the past, it is no longer worth doing business there. He spoke about excessive attention from the FBI and special services to him personally and his company, attempts to recruit Telegram employees to influence the work of the IT corporation from within,” stressed Vyacheslav Volodin.
“Those states where Telegram is actively being used and developed should realize the situation and decide if they want Washington to control this platform as well, or should its work not be regulated and used as a tool to please the political interests of the United States,” concluded the Chairman of the State Duma.