Russia is keen to offer an algorithm of international community’s joint actions to ensure global security,
as said the Co-Chair of the Commission Irina Yarovaya
Irina Anatolievna
at an expert meeting of the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation into Activities Related to the Creation of Biological Laboratories by the US Specialists on the Territory of Ukraine.
Representatives of relevant ministries and agencies preparing materials for the Russian delegation which will take part in the 9th BTWC Review Conference also took part in the meeting of the Parliamentary Commission.
“The 9th BTWC Conference can be called a historic milestone. You should know that such meetings are not held every year. Preparation for such negotiations is always a special level of tasks. And today we want to propose to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all authorized agencies together with the Parliament to develop the joint preparation action plan. And also we want to ask to include representatives of our Parliamentary Investigation Commission in the delegation,” said Irina Yarovaya.
“We see the upcoming BTWC Conference not through the narrow prism of only one issue of secret US military laboratories in Ukraine. Even if this issue is the most serious, the most dangerous, the most worrying, because we are convinced that the development processes of biological weapons of mass destruction are taking place there,” stressed Irina Yarovaya.
“As the Russian Federation always traditionally, honestly and openly acts, we are keen to offers an algorithm of international community’s joint actions to ensure global security and develop joint measures to control the transparency of all those dual-use technologies that the US is currently implementing, primarily in the world to prevent any, even hypothetically possible risks and threats,” said the Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Commission.
The Parliamentary Commission consists of 14 members of the State Duma
and 14 senators. Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya and Deputy
Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev are the Co-Chairs of the Commission.
The creation of the Parliamentary Commission of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on investigation into the circumstances related to the creation of biological laboratories by the US specialists on the territory of Ukraine was initiated by the State Duma. The need to investigate the activities of the US biological laboratories has repeatedly been emphasized by the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.