Speech by Chairman of the State Duma at the National Assembly of the Republic of Nicaragua

Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin

“First of all, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to address parliamentarians, representatives of the friendly people of the Republic of Nicaragua.

The fact that our countries are located quite far away from each other is not an obstacle to be close in spirit, to understand and support each other.

Nicaragua is one of Russia's most reliable allies. Our countries are enhancing cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and trust, guiding by the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

The dynamics of the development of Russia-Nicaragua relations are set by Presidents Vladimir V. Putin and Daniel Ortega.

They agreed to enhance strategic cooperation in all areas.

Our common goal is to provide legislative support.

It is very important to develop dialogue within the framework of the parliamentary dimension. If there is no dialogue, there is no trust. If there is no trust, there is no development.

The citizens of our country are grateful to Nicaragua for supporting the decision of people of Crimea to be a part of Russia, for recognizing independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

We express gratitude to the President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega, who was one of the first world leaders supported Russia's decision to recognize independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics to ensure the security of the people.

There was a coup d'état in Ukraine eight years ago. Oligarchs and nationalists came to power.

The country had lost its sovereignty.

The USA has actually occupied Ukraine. The US advisers were appointed to all governmental structures. But the worst and most dangerous thing is that Ukraine receives more and more weapons.

All these years Kiev ignored the Minsk agreements and pursued genocidal policy towards people living in Donbas, while their only fault was their desire to speak their native language and that their rights and freedoms be fulfilled and guaranteed.

Instead of having dialogue, the Ukrainian authorities attacked the citizens of their country using heavy weapons.

There were thousands of wounded and dead! People were forced to flee, to leave their hometowns, their homes.

The decision of our President Vladimir V. Putin to start a peacekeeping operation is aimed at preventing a humanitarian catastrophe and a full-scale war.

Citizens of Ukraine should not be afraid of a peacekeeping operation. Its only purpose is demilitarization.

Ukraine should become a free, independent, democratic and peaceful state. Being free from the anti-people regime with a nationalist ideology, it will begin to develop in the interests of their citizens.

NATO should not solve security issue of its member states at the expense of the security of other states. It is time for the US to stop.

Dear colleagues, comrades, you live far away from Russia and Ukraine, but you know and understand the situation better than many European countries, because like no one else, you know how difficult the path to freedom is.

The history of your country is the history of the struggle of a courageous freedom-loving people for independence. You have your own experience and know the price of sovereignty and how difficult it is to defend it.

We can do more together.

It is important for us to have each other's support in different situations. Life proves that this is possible.

It is important to enhance the cooperation in the face of the pandemic. Nicaragua was one of the first countries approved the Sputnik V vaccine.

During the pandemic, Russia has become the largest supplier of the COVID-19 vaccine to your country.

Today, projects in the field of biotechnology are successfully developing. The joint enterprises produce and export influenza medications to neighboring countries, which significantly strengthens the scientific and technological potential of Nicaragua in the region.

It is very important to enhance economic capacities in the face of sanctions pressure. In 2021, bilateral trade turnover tripled comparing to 2020.

Trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Nicaragua has good prospects. It is important for us to do everything to develop cooperation between our countries within the framework of the parliamentary dimension.

Comrades, that is the first visit of the delegation of the State Duma to Managua after the parliamentary elections held in Russia in September 2021. You also held presidential and parliamentary elections in November.

Despite the attempts of the United States and a number of other countries to destabilize the situation, the people of Nicaragua once again supported their President, supported his course towards the development of an independent, sovereign state, and showed the whole world that he himself controlled his country’s political destiny.

Nicaragua is homeland of strong people who love their Motherland and cherish it.

Washington wants to halt the development of our states. It hopes that the sanctions will weaken us.


Nicaraguan national hero Carlos Fonseca said: “Unity gives strength.” In Russia we say: “Our strength is in unity.”

Together we can withstand any foreign pressure, develop and strengthen our countries!

Russia and Nicaragua take same positions on the world stage.

Together we are convinced that it is necessary to strengthen the central coordinating role of the United Nations and strictly comply with its Charter.

We support strong, effective international institutions acting on the principles of respect for sovereignty, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, and protection of global peace and stability.

Only such approaches will contribute to the world common future.

“Each state has the right to choose its own form of government, and other states must respect this choice,” Simon Bolivar said.

The principle that has become the norm of international law. But Washington does not respect it: if something contradicts its globalist interests and does not fit into the US plan of the world order, it denies the legitimate right of people to choose and pursue an independent policy.

It is important for us to do everything to ensure development of our countries and improvement of well-being of citizens and their quality of life.

Viva Russia!

Viva Nicaragua!”