Viacheslav Volodin: disrespect of other states for the memory of the war would affect their relations with Russia

Chairman of the State Duma urged foreign politicians to draw distinction between issues of economy and historical memory
Memorial to Soviet Soldier in Rzhev
Memorial to Soviet Soldier in Rzhev

“The US enjoys its power and economy. This state has really accomplished a lot. But there is a question: thanks to whom? In that war, which was impossible to win without a Soviet soldier, the US authorities appreciated the support of the Soviet Union. Both Churchill and Roosevelt talked about that. But soon after the war had been won, they began to rewrite history,” said Viacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)

“And we need to protect our history,” stressed the Chairman of the State Duma.

He is convinced that development and looking to the future are only possible by keeping continuity of generations and respect for elder people. “Other ways are destructive,” said Viacheslav Volodin.

Thus, as said the Chairman of the State Duma, European states that tried to present dark as bright would eventually be affected.

“Anyone who has built a state on the foundation of a lie should understand that all this will not last long,” said Viacheslav Volodin.

He stressed that cases of desecration of the graves of the fallen and demolition of memorials in the countries liberated by Soviet soldiers could not leave the descendants indifferent. “None of us will ever forgive this,” stressed Viacheslav Volodin.

The Chairman of the State Duma urged foreign politicians to draw distinction between issues of economy and historical memory.

“They should understand that economic cooperation and the issues related to protection of historical memory are completely different issues. And if they continue to act like that, it will irreparably affect our relations in the future,” concluded Viacheslav Volodin.