Elena Panina: in the context of the global crisis, initiators suffer from their own sanctions

During a pandemic, any sanctions look like an anachronism. This was noted by a member of the Committee on International Affairs Elena Panina commenting on a statement by European Commission representative Peter Stano, who stated that “the EU leadership sees no reason to lift sanctions against the Russian Federation since they do not undermine Russia's ability to fight the coronavirus”
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Elena Panina
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Elena Panina

Member of the Committee on International Affairs Elena Panina Panina Elena Vladimirovna Panina
Elena Vladimirovna
commented on the statement of the official representative of the European Commission, Peter Stano. According to Elena Panina, an EU representative forgot to mention that sanctions also do not “undermine” Russia’s ability to help Italy left high and dry by its neighbors and European Union partners.

“It looks like European officials are not aware that during a pandemic and the global economic crisis, any sanctions look like an absolute anachronism and often harm not only those against whom they are directed but also those who introduce them,” stated the parliamentarian.