Importance of the University
The Chairman of the State Duma noted the significance of the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University: “It is important to have as many such projects as possible, because your contribution to the development of relations is invaluable, and much depends on you: how effectively relations will develop.”
Common history, common victory
He believes that our countries have a lot in common: ”A common history that unites us, a common history that needs to be protected.“
grandfathers stood shoulder to shoulder, protecting the country and fighting
against fascism, freeing the world from the “brown plague”. We must remember
this, and this memory obliges us for centuries to have friendly relations,
build relations on the principles of dialogue, principles of non-interference
in each other's sovereign affairs, on the principles of friendship, trust,
developing the economy in the interests of our countries,” Viacheslav Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
emphasized. He said that now in Europe and across the oceans they are trying to rewrite history, cross out the memory of those who liberated the peoples of the world from fascism.
According to Viacheslav Volodin, the common history and memory is “a powerful basis for the development of relations, based on which we can achieve dynamics, build relationships in various fields.”
Support of Russian language
The Chairman of the State Duma noted the special role assigned to the Russian language in Tajikistan: “Under the Constitution, the Russian language in Tajikistan is officially the language of interethnic communication. This decision, once proposed by the President of Tajikistan, played a huge role and laid the foundation for the development of our relations. And, in fact, this decision largely predetermined the fact that we began to treat our history more carefully, and our countries have a lot in common. We have a common history, a common culture, and we have the opportunity to communicate in one language.”
“These factors lay a powerful foundation for the development of relations, based on which dynamics can be achieved, relations can be built in various fields, and most importantly, this allows Tajik citizens to find their place in Russia,” the Chairman of the State Duma said.
“The choice of the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication, the study of the Russian language at schools and universities allows those who come to Russia […] to choose their citizenship and build their own lives,” said Viacheslav Volodin.
The Chairman of the State Duma emphasized that “in no other country a citizen of Tajikistan can find his place in the way that he can realize himself in Russia.”
common threats
Speaking about the development of relations between Russia and Tajikistan, Viacheslav Volodin said that “new horizons of interaction and cooperation are opening up. We are effectively working within the framework of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, countering common threats and challenges.”
He added that soon, on November 5, we will gather at the Parliamentary Assembly in Yerevan, discuss collective security issues, issues of overcoming challenges, drafting legislation, its harmonization and preparing model laws to effectively fight terrorism, which is the common threat, common challenge.
“When we talk about this, it should be recognized that the main burden in this region takes Tajikistan — the burden of countering terrorism, countering drug trafficking,” said Viacheslav Volodin.
After the speech, the Chairman of the State Duma talked with students, post-graduate and teachers of the RTSU, answering the most interesting questions. In particular, the Chairman of the State Duma was asked about whether it is possible to attract more Russian language teachers to Tajikistan since there is a huge need for this. Viacheslav Volodin noted that ”it is necessary to motivate people.“ He pointed out that if people have such a desire, then Russia is ready to contribute to this in every way.
Viacheslav Volodin was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University.