Moroccan parliamentarians proposed the creation of a Russian-African parliamentary committee on countering terrorism

First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco Slimane El Omrani suggested strengthening cooperation in the sphere of combating organized crime and cyber-attacks during the section “Russian-African Security Cooperation as a Factor for Peace and Stability in Africa: Role of Parliaments” at the International Forum “Development of Parliamentarism”
First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco Slimane El Omrani

“We suggest creating a joint parliamentary committee that will include Russia and African countries in order to discuss terrorist threats and other aspects of security and countering terrorism. This committee can meet twice a year. And we suggest Morocco as a center or a place of the meeting of such committee,” he said.

Slimane El Omrani also noted that it is necessary ”to sign an agreement between Russia and the African Parliament to counter organized crime.“

“We can use Moroccan experience in this sphere to support and help African countries to fight against terrorism and organized crime,” he concluded.

In addition, the First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco noted the need for cooperation to counter cyber-attacks.

The Forum is held on the initiative of the State Duma on July 1–3. The Forum will also host the Russia-Africa parliamentary conference.

As previously was noted by Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin, “this year the number of participants increased significantly — last year there were only 19 speakers [of the national parliaments] at the Forum, this year there are 41. Also, last year only 96 countries participated in the Forum but this year more than 800 parliamentarians and experts from 132 countries came to Moscow.”