Representatives of the State Duma participated in an international seminar for parliamentary research services

The 9th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services was held in the Republic of Korea (Seoul) on November 7–9, 2018. At the Seminar, the Office of the State Duma was represented by the Head of the Expert Analysis Department, Yan Vaslavsky
Participants of the 9th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services in the Republic of Korea
Participants of the 9th International Seminar for Parliamentary Research Services in the Republic of Korea

The event was opened by Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Moon Hee-sang. He noted the high importance of the work of parliamentary analytical services in assisting parliamentarians and improving the quality of lawmaking.

Yan Vaslavsky presented a report on the topic “Analytical support of lawmaking in the sphere of the development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation”.

The central topic of the Seminar was the transformation of the analytical and research work of parliaments into a new era in the development of information technologies and the media. The key issues for discussion were the methodology of the work of parliamentary research services, as well as the maintenance and development of various work formats, such as the preparation of specific reports, the organization of expert events, interaction with other parliamentary divisions and authorities, international cooperation of research services. Moreover, the issues of legislative regulation of the digital economy, artificial intelligence, the development of new technologies, problems of ensuring cybersecurity were discussed.

The event was organized by the Research Service of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. Representatives of 22 states attended it.

The seminars for parliamentary research services have been held by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea since 2010. The main task is to create an international platform for the exchange of experience in the development of new capabilities of these organizations.