Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan: we need to raise the status of the CSTO on the international arena

In a meeting with State Duma Chairman Viacheslav Volodin, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev called the CSTO PA a highly important organization, “especially in this difficult time, when sanctions are being applied and attempts are being made to isolate Russia”
Meeting of Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Meeting of Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

Viacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
reminded that this week a meeting of the CSTO PA, where a delegation of the Parliament of Kazakhstan took part, was held in Moscow. The Chairman of the State Duma stressed that relations between the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are of a strategic nature, they are based on friendship, mutual understanding and non-interference in the affairs of a sovereign state. The exchange of views in the framework of inter-parliamentary contacts is necessary for the further development of interaction. Viacheslav Volodin stressed that the presidents of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are doing a lot to develop ”relations in all segments of the economy.“

“Our main task is to ensure legislative implementation of decisions taken at the level of our heads of state, to develop relations within the parliamentary dimension,” said the Chairman of the State Duma.

Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev said that Kazakhstan pays special attention to inter-parliamentary cooperation, ”and the Russian parliament, with which active work is being carried out within the framework of the CIS IPA and the CSTO PA, has, of course, the priority status“. He stressed that adopted model laws are actively implemented in Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan called the CSTO PA a highly important organization.

See also

“This organization has become an important factor in ensuring international regional security, especially in the current difficult time, when sanctions are being applied and attempts are being made to isolate Russia, and if we are talking about Russia, it means all of us, on the international arena,” said Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev.

He believes that ”it is necessary to raise the status of the CSTO on the international arena and, despite all the difficulties, to make attempts to build a dialogue with NATO.“ Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev believes that NATO will sooner or later abandon the policy of ignoring and will come to a decision to maintain contacts with the CSTO.

Viacheslav Volodin said that the role of model legislation is important, in particular, in order to unify approaches to the formation of lists of terrorist organizations. He also reminded that the countries members to the CSTO PA, agreed to coordinate their work within the OSCE PA.

About situation in PACE

At the meeting the parties also discussed the situation in PACE. The Chairman of the State Duma called it paradoxical, because the Statute of the Council of Europe foresees equality of all participants, ”but if we take PACE, everything is different there: the regulations of the Parliamentary Assembly eliminate this equality and enact norms that allow depriving the national delegation and the country of right to vote“.

“We cannot participate in the work of PACE until such a rule remains in the regulation,” said Viacheslav Volodin.

He said that many countries do not like the current situation, and during the meetings delegations of national parliaments said that it is impossible to put up with.

“We proceed from the fact that such an institution as PACE should be aimed primarily at developing friendship and cooperation between countries in the parliamentary dimension, effectively solving the tasks entrusted to it,” said the Chairman of the State Duma.

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Meeting of Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science Gennadii Onishchenko
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Neverov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defence Aleksandr Sherin and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Aleksei Chepa
Meeting of Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science Gennadii Onishchenko
Chairman of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Neverov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defence Aleksandr Sherin and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Aleksei Chepa