Viacheslav Volodin: dialogue is extremely necessary because any dialogue is the basis of trust

Representatives of the State Duma held a meeting with the ambassadors of the Russian Federation in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 64 ambassadors attended the meeting
Meeting with Russian ambassadors in Asian, African and Latin American countries
Meeting with Russian ambassadors in Asian, African and Latin American countries

“The Parliament’s task is to stand for interests of our country abroad within the framework of parliamentary dimension and to promote its interests” the Chairman of the State Duma stated.

Viacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
informed that the forms and approaches of interaction of parliamentarians with their foreign colleagues are changing: ”We will maintain the practice of developing interparliamentary relations within friendship groups, but first of all we are going to build work based on a specific agenda,“- he said, adding that the cooperation at the level of deputy chairmen of the State Duma and heads of committees is increasing.

”Now we are discussing that the factions will be able to build relations with the heads of parliaments and leaders of political forces,“ said Viacheslav Volodin. ”We also pay great attention to the creation of high-level interparliamentary commissions“. According to the Chairman of the State Duma, more than ten have already been created, with the Republic of Korea, Iran, Guinea, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. The formation of the commission with the Bundestag is nearly completed. The high-level commission with France is being reset, the next week the Chairman of the French Parliament is expected to visit the State Duma. A meeting of high-level commission with Iran is scheduled for early September and may take place in Volgograd.

”Such formats will allow us developing bilateral relations within the framework of the parliamentary dimension, while accompanying the decisions and agreements reached at the level of the presidents of our countries, because preparing for such commissions we analyze the agenda, the implementation of these agreements and, for our part, we try that our colleagues from other countries also acted in a similar way,“ Viacheslav Volodin stressed.

According to the Chairman of the State Duma, the parliamentary dimension of international cooperation can relate to a wide range of issues, such as economic or cultural interaction, joint counteraction to global threats, such as international terrorism and illegal drug distribution. Viacheslav Volodin reminded that the fight against drug trafficking was the topic of the interparliamentary conference ”Parliamentarians Against Drugs“, which was held in the State Duma at the end of last year with the support of the United Nations.

He also thanked the ambassadors for their assistance in organizing the International Forum ”Development of Parliamentarism“, specifying that such formats will be developed.

”It is extremely important for us that contacts, communications, and relations develop as much as possible, but based on the tasks of building relations in all spheres, proceeding from our basic principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, the absence of double standards and openness of dialogue. Dialogue is extremely necessary because any dialogue is the basis of trust,“ Viacheslav Volodin stressed.

The Chairman of the State Duma reminded that ” last week we met with a US delegation, senators and congressmen, the outcome of this meeting was the agreement on the continuation of the dialogue, the return visit of the Russian delegation to the US, but for this to happen these decisions shall be made by our US colleagues, and we hope that there will be such mutual understanding“.

”Our work will be to achieve the result, protection of the interests of our country, the promotion of our agenda abroad, and, of course, the development of bilateral relations based on the principles of friendship and cooperation, which is an integral part of our foreign policy,“ Viacheslav Volodin summed up.

The meeting was also attended by the heads of the Duma factions — Sergei Neverov Neverov Sergey Ivanovich Neverov
Sergey Ivanovich
, Gennady Zyuganov Zyuganov Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov
Gennady Andreyevich
and Vladimir Zhirinovskii Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky
Vladimir Volfovich
, the Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma and the chairmen of the parliamentary committees.