Appeal of the State Duma to the United Nations and the world parliaments on the escalation of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Members of the State Duma unanimously supported the adoption of the document. The text of the document was prepared at the request of Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
Duma building

The deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation hereby appeal to the United Nations and the world parliaments to take all possible measures to immediately stop the bloodshed and escalation of violence against civilians in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and to avert an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East. The Gaza hospital strike of October 17, 2023, which killed hundreds of innocent civilians, including women and children, was a testament to the scale of the unfolding tragedy. The unjustified cruelty and disproportionate use of force have already resulted in deaths of several thousand people. Inhuman methods of solving political problems by armed force have fueled numerous anti-Semitic and Islamophobic protests around the world.

We decisively condemn any violation of international humanitarian law by the parties to the conflict: the use of munitions prohibited by international treaties, carpet bombing, attacks targeting public infrastructure, primarily health care facilities, energy and water supply facilities, and the forced displacement of civilians.

Those responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity shall be prosecuted and severely punished.

We deem immoral and reckless the policy of the collective West led by the USA, whose activities are currently interfering with the termination of the Middle East conflict and in every possible way fanning the flames of war in the long-suffering region. The military supplies and multi-billion-dollar financial resources granted by the Biden administration to Israel, U.S. aircraft carriers in the Middle Eastern waters in no way contribute to the de-escalation of the conflict, are not aimed at halting killing of heavy toll of citizens of Palestine, Israel and other countries trapped in the war zone. The attempts to disguise the complete failure of Washington’s policy in the Middle East have been doomed. American politicians, who ignore the consensus decisions of the United Nations and impose the “rules” for the settlement of political problems by force around the world, are to blame for the numerous irreparable casualties and the massive destruction of civilian infrastructure.

The deputies of the State Duma urge parliamentarians from all over the world to exert every feasible endeavor to terminate the ongoing violent conflict and to establish passages for humanitarian aid as well as to furnish essential support to the affected individuals and the bereaved families. Only through collaborative efforts we put a halt to a new conflict in the Middle East and proceed with discussions that adhere to a fair-minded approach and the resolutions passed by the United Nations General Assembly and United Nations Security Council.