”Members of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and all Muslims are outraged by the decision of the Swedish authorities, who issued a permit to hold a protest action of burning the Quran, the Muslim holy book at the main mosque in the city of Stockholm on June 28, 2023, the Islamic holyday of Eid al-Adha.
The Swedish authorities issued a permit, knowing that a crime would be committed aimed at insulting the religious feelings of millions of believers around the world and at inciting to ethnic or racial hatred. Such actions destroy the foundation of peace and security, friendly relations between peoples and countries, lay the groundwork for extremist acts, and grossly violate the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
Members of the State Duma strongly condemn another vandalism act approved by the Swedish authorities and call them to take measures to protect the religious feelings of Muslims. The violation of shrines has nothing to do with freedom of speech and religion, and with the principles of democracy.
Members of the State Duma advocated for the rights of religious believers and consider respect for the religious texts of the world's leading religious, which represent spiritual value and are an integral part of the cultural and historical heritage of the corresponding religious one of the features of civilized society“.