Members of the State Duma adopted the law which is a part of the second government package of initiatives aimed at supporting citizens and businesses in the foreign sanctions conditions. The document provides for a number of simplifications in procedures regulating import of goods to Russia and the customs territories of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
In particular, it will be possible to import multicomponent goods within the framework of several foreign economic transactions during a six year-period.
It also eliminates the obligation to pay customs duties and taxes by participants of foreign economic activity operating for less than a year.
In addition, participants of foreign economic activity who have made a cash deposit to release of goods are exempted from paying penalties in the case when the customs authority charges additional payments on the results of a customs examination.
It is also planned to shorten the procedure for issuing classification decisions by customs authorities.
In accordance with the law, the Government of the Russian Federation will be able to specify the cases (conditions) for delaying (installment) debt payments on customs payments, circumstances when the declarant of goods under the customs procedure of a vacant warehouse can be a person who is not the owner of a vacant warehouse, and also on the establishment of investment projects, which can be released before filing a declaration for goods, and priority activities for the implementation of investment projects, when a tariff exemption may be granted for the import of technological equipment, components and spare parts.