State Duma Commission sent materials regarding several foreign media to the Prosecutor General's Office

The Commission of the State Duma on the Investigation of Foreign Interference in Russia's Internal Affairs established cooperation with public organizations and the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the development of the information community, the media and mass communications to quickly respond to foreign interference in the voting process on constitutional amendments, said Chairman of the Commission Vasilii Piskarev
Chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasilii Piskarev
Chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasilii Piskarev

“We are currently monitoring and reviewing incoming information about the publication of false messages in the media and social networks. The first generalized data on the revealed cases of systemic replication of misinformation have already been sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office for legal assessment and decision-making in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,” the parliamentarian told reporters.

Among foreign media companies whose biased propaganda publications were detected, Vasilii Piskarev Piskarev Vasily Ivanovich Piskarev
Vasily Ivanovich
named, in particular, the Voice of America and Deutsche Welle radio stations, the TV channel “Current Time”, as well as Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and its regional projects, “Sever.Realities”, “Siberia.Realities“, ”Crimea.Realities“, ”Idel.Realities“, and ”Radio Azatlyk“.

He noted that parliamentarians paid special attention to publications of mass media and non-governmental organizations financed from the budgets of foreign states, and also carefully reviewed information on provocations inspired from abroad and scheduled for the voting day with the participation of graduates of foreign training camps.

“In these actions, systematic attempts to exert external influence on Russia’s internal affairs, to influence the will of the citizens of our country are observed. This is unacceptable and should not go unanswered in accordance with applicable law,” concluded Vasilii Piskarev.