On December 5,
2019, the IX International Forum “Arctic: Today and the Future” began its work
in St. Petersburg. First Deputy Chairwoman of the Committee on Regional Policy
and Problems of North and Far East Valentina Pivnenko
Valentina Nikolaevna
gave a speech at the opening meeting of the Forum. In her speech, the parliamentarian noted the importance of the socio-economic, geopolitical and resource zone of the Arctic
for Russia, drawing attention to the fact that the Arctic accounts for 11% of the country's GDP while the population of the Arctic zone is only 1.5% of all
the population of the Russian Federation.
At the Northern Sea Route Conference, Valentina Pivnenko noted that the Northern Sea Route should become not only the main national route, but also one of the leaders in world shipping. But this is possible to be realized only if all measures are taken to develop the route and infrastructure, as well as the implementation of environmental protection measures on the entire route.
“The main goal is the well-being and quality of life of the population of the Arctic, since today 60% of 436 indicators characterizing the quality of life in 31 territories of the Arctic region are worse than the average values in the Russian Federation. This also applies to life expectancy, and accessibility of medical care, and the quality of preschool, school, vocational education, housing, and cultural services, as well as transport connections. The population of the Arctic bears significantly higher costs for the necessary standard of living compared with the rest of the population of the Russian Federation. All these issues need to be resolved. It is necessary to develop a comprehensive approach in providing improved conditions for comfortable living in the Arctic region and attracting young people to this macro-region. To address the problematic issues of the region, we need a credible legislative framework that allows us to build the future of this strategically important region and solve urgent issues of the development of the Arctic,” said Valentina Pivnenko.
The Forum participants visited the exhibition of the IX International Forum “ Arctic: Today and the Future”, where Russian achievements in the field of ecology, science and technology were demonstrated, aimed at responsible development of the Arctic and existing practices in the Arctic regions for implementation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
The International Forum “Arctic: Today and the Future” has proven to be an authoritative discussion platform that contributes to addressing current issues of the development of the Arctic region at different levels through dialogue with civil society. The Forum is attended by over 2500 delegates from more than 40 Russian regions and more than 20 foreign countries.