Leonid Slutskiy commented on the decision of the PACE regulatory committee to change the sanctions mechanisms

Leonid Slutskiy, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, stated that the PACE Committee on Rules of Procedure decided to recommend to remove from the sanctions mechanisms applied to national delegations the right to speak, the right to be represented in the Assembly and the right to vote
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

Thus, if the Assembly approves Petra De Sutter’s report of on June 24 the regulatory rule on sanctions can become “empty”. Moreover, an important technical recommendation on the possibility of confirming the credentials of delegations in the middle of the year was adopted.

“If PACE adopts a resolution on the report on credentials with recommendations of the regulatory committee on the first day of the session on June 24, the delegation of the Russian Federation may return to the Assembly,” Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich

According to him, a positive result of the vote can be expected, despite the active opposition of the delegations of Ukraine and a number of Baltic countries.

“With this outcome, Russia will be able to participate in the election of a new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, which is scheduled for June 26. The final decision on the formation of the delegation of the Russian Federation and the application for participation in the June session should be made by the leadership of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,” he concluded.