Leonid Slutskiy spoke about the prospects for Russia's participation in PACE

The Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs said that he assumes the participation of the delegation of the Russian Federation in the PACE June session if amendments to the Regulations of the organization are made
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

“I assume that the delegation of the Russian Federation can take part in the June session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. We will come if on June 3 the PACE Committee on Rules of Procedure, as well as on the first day of the session the Assembly itself, will take an appropriate decision on the inadmissibility of applying sanctions to national delegations. Technical amendments on the annual confirmation of credentials not only in January but throughout the year will also be required,” said Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich
, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs.

According to him, “negotiations with representatives of different political groups are underway. In particular, recently there were talks with the leader of the united left Tiny Kox. I do not exclude that after the meeting of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, a meeting of parliamentarians of the Russian Federation with the leadership of PACE may also take place. Right now the tone and character of the discussions indicate an increased likelihood of a constructive decision. This is necessary not only for Russia but, first of all, for the Council of Europe to preserve its role in the new architecture of the 21st century.”

“As you remember, at the June session (June 24–28) the election of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe will be held. Russian participation is important for the continuation of legitimate cooperation with the organization. This is well understood both in Moscow and, I hope, in Strasbourg,” the parliamentarian noted.