Leonid Slutskiy commented on political scandal in Austria

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy commented on the situation around the political scandal in Austria and noted that the Russian delegation will raise this issue at the meeting of the OSCE PA
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

“I do not exclude the political scandal in Austria and the so-called Russian connection in this situation will be raised by the delegation of the Russian Federation at the meeting of the OSCE PA. It is our understanding that it is the major provocation, a well-organized performance, the purpose of which was to undermine constructive cooperation of Moscow and Vienna. Perhaps, this stove-piping is connected to elections to the European Parliament. But the efforts of provocateurs were in vain,” Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich

He stressed that such “dirty” methods are unacceptable, and this should be stated at all international platforms.

“The most authoritative German publications were involved in this performance, which has turned out to be another fake with extremely negative consequences for the Austrian political elite. Even the German Welt does not deny that the ill-fated video was an organized trap for Vice-Chancellor Strache, who supports the lifting of sanctions against Russia. It is obvious that it is a case of blatant interference in the affairs of one of the oldest European states with a clearly anti-Russian subtext,” concluded the parliamentarian.