Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs commented on the situation in Kosovo

Leonid Slutskiy stressed that “legal confusion continues to rule in Kosovo, in the very heart of Europe, where lawlessness and criminal abuses continue to take place.” “I do not rule out that under the guise of allegedly fighting crime, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Kosovo were engaged in oppression against the Serbian population,” said the parliamentarian
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

“Legal confusion continues to rule in Kosovo. The recognition of independence of Pristina by Western states opened Pandora's box and provoked the creation of a so-called “black hole” in the heart of Europe, where lawlessness and criminal abuses continue to take place,” stressed the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs.

“I do not rule out that under the guise of allegedly fighting crime, the authorities of the self-proclaimed Kosovo were engaged in oppression against the Serbian population. Ethnic Serbs (even police officers) and foreigners were among detainees after the military action. Russian citizen is among them, a representative of the UN mission Mikhail Krasnoshchekov. His arrest is illegal anyway, as he has the immunities provided by the international organizations,” the parliamentarian added.

“We will monitor the situation. The actions of the Kosovo-Albanian elite again provoke inter-ethnic confrontation and may lead to a new fire in the Balkans,” Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich