“The fire in the Notre-Dame de Paris is a tragedy for world culture, for world history,” said Dmitrii
Dmitry Alexandrovich
Dmitry Alexandrovich
. He called Notre-Dame Cathedral “the greatest architectural structure, without which
it is impossible to imagine the capital of France.”
The parliamentarian expressed his condolences to the citizens of Paris and the whole France.
“It is important, of course, to understand the reasons why this happened, and take actions to make it not happen again,” the member of the State Duma stressed.
“This fire should serve as a lesson for all countries, especially for Russia. In our country, there is a huge number of old towns with great monuments of architecture, with cathedrals, many of them, unfortunately, are in emergency condition. All this historical heritage must be protected, preserved and cared from not to repeat the tragedy of Notre-Dame Cathedral,” said Dmitrii Svishchev.
He expressed his hope that the Cathedral would be restored, and noted that it would require enormous efforts and funds.
It is necessary to carry out an inspection
Chairman of the Committee on Committee on Physical
Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Mikhail Degtiarev
Mikhail Vladimiroviсh
at a plenary
meeting said that following the Notre-Dame de Paris fire,
it is necessary to conduct inspections of all monuments of architectural,
cultural and religious significance in Russia to comply with fire safety
“The monument of cultural and religious significance has burned down. It lived through two World Wars, all the French revolutions, survived all, but could not survive the 21st century […]. We need to initiate inspections of all monuments of architectural, cultural and religious heritage sites in Russia of fire safety compliance, especially during restoration work,” said the parliamentarian.
He also wished the people of France that “this remarkable monument — Notre-Dame de Paris would be restored as soon as possible”.
Russia can offer assistance to France
“As the coordinator
of the Interparliamentary Group on interaction with the National Assembly of France, I am confident that Russia can offer France its extensive assistance in restoring the Notre-Dame
Cathedral. This first of all will be a Christian thing to do,” said Leonid Slutskiy
Leonid Eduardovich
, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs. He noted that there are many specialists in Russia who can be useful and beneficial during restoration.
“The fire destroyed the Notre-Dame, which is of great importance for the entire Christian religion and world culture. And only this is important, whoever, no matter how designs versions and suggests to draw conclusions from what has happened. We grieve together with our French friends,” he said.