Members of the Committee on International Affairs believe that the situation in Aleppo should receive the proper OPCW reaction

Chairman of the Committee Leonid Slutskiy said that "flirting of the West with terrorist organizations such as Jabhat al-Nusra leads to the fact that the center of terrorism still cannot be extinguished in Syria." He believes that this situation should finally be brought up for discussion by the world community
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

“The situation in Aleppo shall receive the proper reaction of the OPCW, where an attributive group is now being formed. As you know we oppose the creation of this accusatory mechanism but I believe that such outrageous events will serve as a ”litmus test“ of the true reasons for its creation. Will the OPCW now really investigate who is to blame for the use of chemical weapons in Syria and where terrorists get the chemical weapons or in the spirit of the double standards policy will prefer to close their eyes?

Flirting of the West with terrorist organizations such as Jabhat al-Nusra leads to the fact that the center of terrorism still cannot be extinguished in Syria. We were told two years ago: “Do not touch Nusra, allow dividing into moderate opposition and terrorists”. And what do we see? Civilians continue to die and the terrorist underground continues its activity.

I think that this situation should finally be brought up for discussion by the world community,” stated Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich