Inga Iumasheva: the increase in the number of women in US politics can play an important role in preventing a new arms race

The member of the Committee on the International Affairs, coordinator of the parliamentarian group on relations with the US Congress commented on the results of the mid-term elections to the US Congress. “It is known that this year the record number of women was elected to the US Congress, they have got more than 100 seats in parliament,” stated Inga Iumasheva and noted, that increasing number of women in politics is certainly a positive trend
Member of the Committee on the International Affairs Inga Iumasheva
Member of the Committee on the International Affairs Inga Iumasheva

“This year the record number of women was elected to the US Congress, they have got more than 100 seats in parliament. Quite a few women will be heads of states, 9 female candidates successfully passed this path and won the trust of voters,” said Iumasheva Iumasheva Inga Albertovna Iumasheva
Inga Albertovna
to RIA Novosti.

The politician noted that according to the results of the midterm elections to the US Congress, it is already possible to draw preliminary conclusions about the changes that will occur in the US government.

“The increasing number of women in politics is certainly a positive trend. It can be concluded that the current electorate is waiting for more attention of the newly elected authorities to the problems of the social sector, that welfare and peace are a people’s priority. These are the values traditionally embodied by a woman politician. In addition, the female factor can play an important role in preventing a new arms race. This danger is becoming more real in light of the recent President Trump’s statement about the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty and readiness to build up its nuclear potential,” the parliamentarian said.