Inga Iumasheva: “Parliamentary dialogue between the US Congress and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation can play an important role in preventing a new round of confrontation”

A member of the Committee on International Affairs noted the importance of active cooperation between the legislators of the two countries. She stated that the Russian parliament is ready to initiate such a dialogue but for its successful advance, support of both parties in the Congress is needed
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Iumasheva Inga and Russian Ambassador to the USA Antonov Anatoly
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Iumasheva Inga and Russian Ambassador to the USA Antonov Anatoly

Member of the Committee on International Affairs Inga Iumasheva Iumasheva Inga Albertovna Iumasheva
Inga Albertovna

“President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty has caused serious concern among supporters of arms control in both Russia and the United States. At a conference on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and strategic stability, organized by the James Martin Center in Washington on Monday, this issue was in the center of attention of politicians, diplomats and experts, including Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov, former senators Richard Lugar and Sam Nunn, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Ford. The participants generally agreed that the destructive step of the American administration could lead to a dangerous chain reaction around the world, especially if it is supplemented by the refusal to extend START III.

An important role in preventing a new round of confrontation can be played by the parliamentary dialogue between the US Congress and the Russian Federal Assembly. I spoke about the importance of active cooperation between the legislators of our two countries at the panel of the conference on nuclear non-proliferation. The Russian parliament is ready to initiate such a dialogue, but for its successful advance, we hope to meet support of this idea in the Congress by both parties”.