Members of the State Duma declared the need to end the economic, financial and trade US blockade of Cuba

The State Duma adopted a corresponding resolution on the appeal to the UN General Assembly, inter-parliamentary organizations and the parliaments of the UN member nations to end the economic, financial and trade blockade of Cuba. Parliamentarians condemned US policy toward Cuba and opposed the “vicious policy of unilateral sanctions”

In the near future, the UN General Assembly will once again express its attitude to the blockade of Cuba by the United States. The appeal notes that this form of economic and political pressure against a sovereign state has been used for more than 55 years, and, contrary to the position of the majority of UN member nations, the United States continues to behave in the spirit of the Cold War, intervening in the internal affairs of an independent state in order to change the political regime. 

The members of the State Duma emphasize that the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations establishes an inalienable right of each state to choose its political, economic, social and cultural systems, without interference in any form by another state. The United States constantly ignore and violate this right.

“The embargo against Cuba is seriously detrimental to the socio-economic development of Cuba and contradicts the generally accepted principles and norms of international law,” the statement says.

The State Duma protests against the US attempts to pursue a policy of hegemony and expansion against Cuba, systematically violating such principles of international law as non-interference in internal affairs, sovereign equality of states, equality and self-determination of peoples, freedom of international trade and international shipping, established by the UN.

“The pressure of the United States on the Republic of Cuba negatively affects the development of its economy and social sphere, impair the rights and interests of Cuban citizens and states willing to cooperate with Cuba,” the appeal says.

Parliamentarians point out that the population of the country is deprived of medicines and essential goods, and all this has a negative effect on the living standards of Cubans and is detrimental to their health and well-being.

During the operation of the embargo, a significant number of statements and resolutions of international forums, governments and public associations, which express a negative attitude to the economic, financial and trade blockade of Cuba, was adopted and State Duma members welcome the desire of the peoples of the world for the prompt normalization of Cuban-American relations and are convinced that the US should agree with the position of the world community, abandon the policy of global dictate and unilateral pressure, and take a way of respect for norms of international law.

It is noted that hopes for a change in the position of the United States on this issue have not been justified. Throughout 2017, there was a further tightening of the US policy towards Cuba. Thus, additional restrictions were introduced for the business sector that is ready to develop cooperation with Cuba and for citizens intending to visit this state.

The State Duma condemns the economic, financial and trade blockade imposed by the USA against Cuba, opposes the vicious policy of unilateral sanctions and regards it as one of the factors destabilizing the world political situation that hinders open interaction and cooperation between states. Parliamentarians believe that the United States should review its policy directed against the interests of the Cuban people.

“Contrary to the embargo regime, the Cuban people demonstrate their readiness to defend the freedom of their homeland. Overcoming all the hardships, the Cubans prove that they are ready to actively resist any external pressure,” the statement says.

The members of the State Duma note Russia's interest in preserving and developing Russian-Cuban relations on a friendly and mutually beneficial basis and promoting strengthening long-term economic cooperation with Cuba.

The State Duma appeals to the UN General Assembly, the parliaments of the UN member nations and international parliamentary organizations to influence the United States in order to end the economic, financial and trade blockade of the Republic of Cuba, and also invites all states to combine efforts and take practical steps aimed at developing bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Cuba in the economic, political, scientific and humanitarian spheres within the framework of the intergovernmental, inter-parliamentary, inter-party and social interaction.