Leonid Slutskiy: The EU so radically and operatively opposes the US position for the first time in its recent history

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy commented on the decision of the European Commission to apply the regulations blocking the action of US anti-Iranian sanctions on the EU territory. Leonid Slutskiy noted that EU thus demonstrated the priority of protecting its own interests. "It can be assumed that this is only the beginning of the divergence between the Washington and Brussels courses on key economic and political issues," the member of the State Duma believes
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

The Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs believes that the imposition of US sanctions against Iran turned out to be a ”litmus test“ that ”made the European Union remember that, in addition to American geopolitical goals and tasks, European countries have their own interests.“ At the same time, Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich
believes that economic considerations played a key role in the European Commission's decision to block the operation of anti-Iran measures on the territory of the EU, in particular, the Washington withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program could have a negative effect on the national economies of countries, members of the EU.

The reason for the decision taken by the EU was also ”the expansion of the United States both to the European Union and to the political systems of its member states“, Leonid Slutskiy stated. 

”This expansion was carried out through American ‘participation’ in the formation of these countries’ elites, influence on their leaders and much more. The reason is obvious: without the EU, the United States is not able to realize its obsession, building US hegemony in the unipolar world,“ Leonid Slutskiy said.
However, by blocking the regulations, the EU clearly outlined the priority of its own interests over the US’s.

”It can be assumed that this is only the beginning of the divergence between the Washington and Brussels courses on key economic and political issues,“ the member of the State Duma emphasized.

The parliamentarian believes that, in connection with the EU decision, the approach to ”the formation of European architecture“ may be changed,“ “common sense“ can appear in this process. At the same time, ”European architecture“ itself is impossible without reasonable and effective cooperation with Russia,” Leonid Slutskiy believes.

”And therefore, within the parliamentary framework, we will try to increase contacts with the EU. And one of our future goals may be the re-establishment of a parliamentarian group or commission on cooperation with the European Parliament,“ the Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs said.

Earlier the US declared apartial restoration of anti-Iranian sanctions due to the withdrawal of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.