Members of the State Duma supported the statement of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the suspension of participation in the OSCE PA

Senators of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma consider it reasonable and legitimate to suspend the participation of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the OSCE PA and the payment of the contributions of the Russian Federation to the OSCE PA budget

Members of the State Duma supported unanimously the adoption at the plenary meeting of the statement of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “On the suspension of the participation of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA)”. The Federation Council of the Russian Federation also supported the adoption of the statement.

“Despite numerous appeals and proposals by the Russian delegation, the priorities of the OSCE PA leadership indicate that at present, instead of creating conditions for a constructive exchange of views and the formation of a unifying agenda, this platform is being used as a politicized instrument for the purposeful implementation of an anti-Russian course, including the deliberate distortion of the causal link between the events taking place in Ukraine,” the text of the statement says.

The parliamentarians are convinced that “biased discriminatory approaches, double standards and total Russophobia, unpreparedness for substantive discussion, including on pressing issues of ensuring equal and indivisible security, testify to the extreme degradation of the OSCE PA as a mechanism for inter-parliamentary co-operation”.

The final point in the emerging stalemate was Romania's demonstrative refusal to issue visas to members of the Russian delegation to attend the annual session of the OSCE PA in Bucharest in 2024, as recalled the authors of the statement.

“In this regard, the senators of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma consider it reasonable and legitimate to suspend the participation of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the OSCE PA and the payment of the contributions of the Russian Federation to the OSCE PA budget,” the statement says.