Members of the State Duma adopted an appeal to the UN in connection with the heavy toll of children’s deaths and current humanitarian situation in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict zone

“Deputies of the State Duma express their confidence that it is up to us, to people of goodwill, to stop the evil and insanity unfolding in the Middle East,” the document says

Members of the State Duma at the plenary meeting unanimously supported the adoption of the appeal to the UN, international parliamentary organizations, world parliaments in connection with the heavy toll of children’s deaths and current humanitarian situation in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict zone.

“In the context of the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, the deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation see it as fundamentally important and exigent to call on the United Nations, international parliamentary organizations and world parliaments to support the demand that the parties to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict immediately, without preconditions, cease hostilities and stop the indiscriminate use of deadly weapons, resulting in deaths of civilians, primarily innocent children and teenagers,” the document stresses.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, according to the parliamentarians, “is increasing the extreme suffering and anguish of Palestinian children and their families, who have to literally survive without food, water, medicine, electricity, fuel and all the basic necessities of life”.

“The State Duma emphasizes that it is not only violence and the killing of civilians and the taking and holding of hostages is a crime, but also the bombing of civilian residential areas, the blockade, the obstruction to the emergency humanitarian aid delivery and violent attempts to displace large numbers of civilians under the actual threat of physical destruction,” says the text of the appeal.