Member of the State Duma reacted to remarks by Joe Biden that Russia “wants to undermine” the transatlantic unity

First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction Adalbi Shkhagoshev commented on the remarks by the US President Joseph R. Biden that Moscow wants to undermine” the transatlantic unity

“The US authorities have to demonstrate fantastic examples of political balancing: to restore relations with the European Union just as it was before Trump’s presidency, to prevent rapprochement of Russia and Germany and to maintain the myth of transatlantic unity,” said Adalbi Shkhagoshev Shkhagoshev Adalby Lyulevich Shkhagoshev
Adalby Lyulevich

According to him, the US authorities are now solving not only the energy security issue, but also “have to deal with their own panic attacks”, as the world revolves without their influence.

“That requires Mr. Biden to reach an accommodation and use sanctions manipulations, as the US side understands that Nord Stream 2 will be finished anyway. And issues related to Ukraine were removed from the agenda,” the parliamentarian stressed.