Calls for Russia to leave the Middle East are cynical and blatant, meanwhile, the United States continues to pursue an intervention policy there, said Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Leonid Eduardovich
, commenting on the statements of Assistant Secretary of Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker.
“The statements by the US Assistant Secretary of State on the destructive role of Russia in the Middle East with calls to “get out” are simply cynical and arrogant. The grounds of Russia’s presence in the Syrian Arab Republic are absolutely legitimate as it sent its personnel at the invitation of the country's leadership, which cannot be said about the United States,” the parliamentarian said.
He reminded that ”no one called the United States to Syria, Iraq, or Libya.“
“Washington continues the policy of intervening and enforcing the law of force instead of the rule of law by changing regimes that are not suitable for it,” the deputy concluded.