Main facts about the Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation

The Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation under the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is an advisory and consultative body to the chambers of the Russian parliament –Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation was established in 2012 to coordinate legislative support for the implementation of state policy in the sphere of separation of powers in the areas of exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and issues of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and Russian regions, as well as improving the implementation of the supervisory powers of the Federation Council, the State Duma and legislative (representative) bodies of the Russian regions, the organization of their interaction in the legislative process and the exchange of parliamentary experience.

The first meeting of the Council of Legislators was held on May 31, 2012.

The Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation consists of:

- Chairperson of the Federation Council;

- Chairperson of the State Duma;

- First Deputy or Deputy Chairperson of the Federation Council;

- First Deputy or Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma;

- Heads of legislative (representative) bodies of the Russian regions;

- Heads of committees of the Federation Council and heads of committees of the State Duma;

- Secretaries of the Council of Legislators with an advisory vote.

The chairpersons of chambers of the Federal Assembly co-chair the Council of Legislators.

The Bureau and standing commissions of the Council of Legislators were established in order to ensure the continuity of its activities, the preparation, and implementation of decisions adopted by the Council of Legislators.