Leonid Slutskiy told what kind of relationship Russia will have with the United States and PACE in 2019

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs replied to questions raised by journalists and commented on the future of US-Russian relations, situation in Syria and participation of Russian delegation in PACE in the coming year
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy
Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutskiy Slutsky Leonid Eduardovich Slutsky
Leonid Eduardovich
noted that relations of Russia with the United States have crossed the bottom line. “In my opinion, the two largest nuclear powers do not have the right to have such a low level of mutual dialogue. However, Washington continues to escalate the situation. The flywheel, which was launched by the administration of former US President Barack Obama, is spinning even faster with a help of the current president, Donald Trump. Passions are mounting for trivial reasons. And that's what we need to eradicate”, the parliamentarian stressed.

Leonid Slutskiy also emphasized that this approach is currently supported by MPs of both chambers of the US Congress. “But we support the idea of further development of dialogue and communication. If it is not possible to do this within the framework of the resumption of the parliamentary dialogue, we should continue to hold meetings at the OSCE PA, hold joint conferences, forums, seminars, including with the academic community. Therefore, in 2019, we plan to strengthen work with universities, foundations, large expert platforms, and Councils on international affairs that exist in many states”, the parliamentarian added.

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs recalled that US parliamentarians also visited Russia this year. “But there were just few visits of US congressmen and senators and their attitude is still very critical towards Russia. One of the few who supports the resumption of inter-parliamentary contacts with Russia is Senator Rand Paul. In this regard, we also focus on university and research platforms in building relationship”, the parliamentarian said. Leonid Slutskiy added that one of such seminars will be held in March-April with participation of scientific community, and, parliamentarians from the United States are also expected to attend the event.

“I am absolutely convinced that despite the complexity of the situation, we should not stop contacts with our colleagues. We understand that the traditional, conservative, religious, small-town America supported Mr. Trump, also because he talked about the end of building of a unipolar world and the need to cooperate with all partners”, the parliamentarian stressed.

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs also noted that cooperation with Turkey and Iran as the countries-guarantors of the cessation of hostilities regime at the Astana talks justifies itself.

“The point of no return has been reached. Today there is a sweep of the remaining terrorist groups, it will take place in the coming months, and 2019 will be the year of the final liberation of Syria from international terrorism,” Leonid Slutskiy said. He added that the situation in Syria is getting better despite the fact that the country continues to “live a hard life”.

“Next step includes no less important processes: the process of constitutional formation, which should take place in the country and not only discussed in Geneva,” the head of the Committee stressed.

Talking about the future of the relationship between Russia and the PACE, Leonid Slutskiy said that “the moment of truth — whether Russia will continue to participate in PACE’s work at all — will come no later than spring, or perhaps earlier. We are in contact with all political groups.” However, he stressed again that the delegation of the Russian Federation is not going to apply for participation in the activities of the Assembly in January 2019.

Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs recalled that Moscow continues to insist on including amendments to the PACE Regulations on the abolition of the so-called sanctions articles, which allow to deprive national delegations of key powers, first of all, the right to vote and participate in decision-making process.” The parliamentarian said “the amendments have institutional significance for the Council of Europe. In my opinion, they should be adopted. They concern not only Russia, but also any country.”

However, according to Leonid Slutskiy, the relations of the Russian Federation and the PACE are still “far from normal.” “What will win — common sense or a desire to kick Russia out of Strasbourg – we will see in the very near future, as such amendments do not require much effort, political will is enough,” the politician concluded.