The State Duma adopted a statement on the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine

Members of the State Duma are worried about the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine and the growing military threat from the Kiev authorities in Donbass

At the plenary session on October 18, State Duma members unanimously adopted a statement “On the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine”.

”The Ukrainian authorities, in fact, have chosen the way of turning Ukraine into a base for fighting Russia and its people on all possible fronts and directions,“ the statement says.

According to the parliamentarians, the attempts of the current Ukrainian authorities “to destroy the original Orthodox Church, legalize Ukrainian schismatics supported by the Ukrainian state and ” sanctify“ the continuation of the war against Russians and Russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine with their help” are a good example of this. They also remind that recently, on October 14, another neo-Nazi procession took place in Kiev, the participants of which openly called for reprisals against the Russians and parishioners of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“By sabotaging the Minsk agreements and at the same time claiming a worthy place among other European states, Ukraine continues to concentrate its troops, shell and murder people in Donbass, not for the first time resorting to terrorist acts to achieve its goals,” the statement said.

“Ukraine has become a terrorist state, and the leaders of today's Ukraine are stained with the blood of Alexander Zakharchenko and many other sons and daughters of Donbass,” the members of the State Duma stressed.

The members of the State Duma is also worried about laws that Ukrainian parliamentarians adopt, as their norms are directly aimed at discrimination of the Russian-speaking population and in fact to a total ban on the use of the Russian language.

According to Russian parliamentarians, “Western sponsors and inspirers” can be found behind the actions of the Ukrainian authorities. The State Duma draws attention to the actions of the United States and other NATO countries, which, “by giving Ukraine weapons and encouraging its anti-Russian policy, directly push the Ukrainian authorities to take aggressive actions against their own people, to flare up interethnic and interfaith conflicts“.

The document stresses that “an attempt of a new Ukrainian large-scale military offensive in Donbass, together with new facts of murders and terrorist acts against its population, will receive an adequate response and will inevitably lead to disastrous consequences”.

The State Duma declares that the historical responsibility for the course towards a severance in Russian-Ukrainian relations falls on the leadership of modern Ukraine. “It’s not too late to stop,” summed up the Russian parliamentarians.