Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov and Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck

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First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov and Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck
Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov and Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov
Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Iarovaia
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Aleksei Chepa
Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov and Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck
Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov and Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Aleksandr Zhukov
Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Iarovaia
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Aleksei Chepa
Chairman of the Board of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck